Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An apologist's creed

I believe that:
- I know very little,
- I am wrong about many of the things I believe,
- God is not harmed by my being wrong,
- I do not have an answer for every question about my beliefs,
- I do not need to have an answer for every question to be justified in holding my beliefs,
- Some of those who disagree with me are smarter than I am,
- Some of those who disagree with me are more intellectually honest than I am,
- It is inappropriate to use a person's alleged motives to attack his argument,
- Winning arguments is fruitless, winning people is supreme,
- I must treat those who disagree with me the way I wish for them to treat me,
- In order to win anyone, I must demonstrate my respect by taking time to understand them and why they believe what they do,
- If my respect is absent or feigned, it will show, and it is because of my arrogance, and it is my problem,
- It is more important that people be impressed by my humility and honesty than by my intelligence or the force of my arguments.

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